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We are all Professional Pastoral Christian Counselors with years of Ministry and Counseling experience. All of our counselors are members of the National Christian Counselors Association and Certified Temperament Counselors.


We believe that many of the problems people face today can be of a spiritual nature; resulting in not understanding biblical truths; and living in a fallen world. Due to this nature, as Christian counselors we strive to bring faith into every counseling session by leaning into biblical truths to help our clients.

Statement of Faith

1. We believe that the bible is the infallible word of God. As such it is the supreme and final authority; without error in what it teaches and affirms.


2. We believe there is only one true God that exists eternally as three yet one; Father, Son & Holy Spirit.


3. We believe that Jesus is the Son of God the one that died for our sins and is the only way to the Father through his sacrifice on the cross for the redemption of our sins.


4. We believe that the Holy Spirit; the third Person in the Trinity, convicts the world of sin and gives new lives to those who trust in Jesus. He indwells all believers and empowers them to lead Christ-like lives.


5. We believe that all believers are members of the body of Christ, the one true church universal. Spiritual unity is to be expressed among Christians by acceptance and love of one another across ethnic, cultural, socio-economic, national, generational, gender, and denominational lines.


6. We believe the local church is a group of believers who gather for worship, prayer, instruction, encouragement, mutual accountability, community with each other, and as a witness to the world.

About Us

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